Professional Learning & Capacity Building
CEI’s PROFESSIONAL LEARNING & CAPACITY BUILDING program offers customized support to school leaders, teachers and parents to improve school climate, student engagement and student achievement. CEI collaborates with teachers and school leaders to refine and adapt leadership skills and instructional practice. Our consultants build educator capacity to improve student outcomes through job-embedded coaching, mentoring, workshops, conferences, Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), and institutes. All professional learning support can be adapted for instructional practice for in-person, hybrid, and remote learning.
CEI has an extensive field team of consultants in all aspects of public education, including curriculum and instruction, culturally responsive teaching, social emotional learning (SEL), school leadership, scheduling, budgeting, facilities development, and parent/family engagement. Consultants partner with educators to adopt and adapt effective practices to serve all K-12 student populations. CTLE credit is available for PD Workshops.
School Leaders
CEI’s PROFESSIONAL LEARNING for school leaders is designed to build leadership capacity to improve student outcomes.
- Building a Strong Literacy Culture (K-12)
- Creating a Data Culture
- Danielson Framework for Remote Teaching
- Developing Leadership Capacity (Teacher/Admin
- Education with an Equity Lens
- Effective and Efficient Decision-Making
- Google Tools for Education
- Team Building for a Collaborative Culture
- Trauma-Sensitive and Trauma-Informed Praxis
- School Culture and Climate Transformation
- Attendance Improvement
- Family and Community Engagement
- Developing a Multidisciplinary STEAM Curriculum
CEI’s PROFESSIONAL LEARNING for educators is designed to strengthen instructional practice to improve student outcomes.
- Authentic Assessment
- Blended Learning
- Constructing Mathematical Discourse
- Differentiated Instruction
- Engaging Students in Virtual Learning
- Education with an Equity Lens
- Partnering with Families to Support Virtual Learning
- NextGen Standards–Key Shifts in ELA
- NextGen Standards–Literacy across Content Areas
- NextGen Standards–Science and STEAM Education
- Rigorous Instruction and Depth of Knowledge (DoK)
- Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP)
- Universal Designs for Learning (UDL)
- Arts-Based Academic Instruction
- Culturally Responsive Teaching
- Curriculum Development
- Theory, Research, & Practice
- Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Benchmarks
- Neuroscience and Effective Classroom Instruction
- Cyberbullying/ Internet Safety
CEI works with schools to engage parents and families in their school community and involve them in their children’s education. CEI presents a wide range of arts education workshops, programs, and resources in visual art, music, and creative movement and customizes all programs for the specific needs of schools and PTA committees. For more info on parent programs click here.